Peyote is an audio player with friendly MC-like interface.
Peyote is designed specially for easy listening a lossless music (especially with cue sheets).
Peyote supports wv ( wavepack ), wav, flac, ape, ogg and mp3 formats.
- wv, wav, flac, ape, ogg, mp3, m4a, mp3, vma formats
- ID3v2, APEv2, FLAC, Vorbis tags support
- multiple playlists
- tabs
- cuesheet support with wrong file extensions
- charset detection (utf8/cp1251[or other]) for tags, .m3u, .cue
- httpfs
- mp3 encoder
- FS-operations such as "copy", "rename", "remove", "move"
- 33-band equalizer
- last.fm
- xspf playlist
- icecast
- Fast and light-weight
- Mouse support
source codeDependencies
Peyote 0.10
- Python >= 2.6 < 3
- Mutagen is a Python module to handle audio metadata.
- Gstreamer1.0 and plugins
- PyGobject is a Gobject Python Bindings
- Pyinotify is a Python package used for monitoring filesystems events
- Alsaaudio is a Python package
- LXML is a Python package
- Terminal must display these unicode symbols: ☮, ☸, ♺, ⚮, ⚅, ⚯, ☰ , ♍, ☯, ♫, ⚐, ☐, ☒
sudo make install
Press h to open an help panel
Email: platonny@ngs.ruFeel free to contact me